Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas Sweaters: The Real News

This morning on the news was a story about Christmas sweaters.  The reporter stated that they are "back in style".  Who knew?  I mean who knew they were out of style.  Why don't my friends tell me these things?  Have I been cutting edge for years?    I'll admit I only have one that I have worn for the past year or two.  Its very conservative, from Coldwater Creek.  But I have a box full of the ones described as "ugly"  on the Daily Green.

When I first started working in a nursing home, I was an activity director.  I liked to wear clothes that reflected the holiday, so I had Halloween sweaters, Spring flower sweaters, as well as numerous Christmas sweaters.  The residents (at least the ladies) loved to comment on my clothes and it gave them something to talk about besides what was for lunch.  My skirt length was always a great conversation starter.  It was either too short or too long, I could never get it right.  I either wore too much make-up or not enough.  But the sweaters were always a winner.  I never had one resident who didn't like one of my sweaters.

Apparently it is now the fad for men to wear these "vintage" women's sweaters (go to the link above and look at the slideshow) and people have parties where you have to wear an old Christmas sweater.  I don't think I'll suggest this to Dan.  All of his clothes are beige or blue.  I'm not kidding.  My oldest daughter laughed her head off the first time she looked in his closet.  My mother gave him a red sweater about 10 years ago and he wore it once, to be polite.  The Christmas sweater would just not go over real big with him, so don't invite us to one of these sweater parties.

I'm thinking that between my mother and myself we might be able to make a fortune on ebay if I get started soon.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny. Some of those pictures look a little more like a bad frat party.
