Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Other People's Projects

For the past week, I've had this feeling of being overwhelmed.  I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.  Between getting my studio ready for the "big move", helping family, trying to finish up some projects, and just the day to day stuff, I really feel like I just need to step back and make a list of what's really important.  So I put the Seminole Sampler on hold, folded up the antique quilt blocks and put them in a drawer, and started cleaning the studio.  I am now ready for the machine to be moved, Dan is coordinating it with a couple of his friends.

During my cleaning spree, I found two small projects that I felt I should either give away, throw away, or finish.  So I finished them.  This first one is a block that I did not make.  When my shop was open, I went to Quilt Market and one year I bought a group of patterns from a lady who include a ready-made sample block if you bought X amount (I don't remember how much).  The block was unquilted, but I hung it up with the patterns and I think they sold rather quickly.  So I decided to make it into a small wall quilt.
The wings are made from half a doily and the halo is a D-ring.  These were included with the pattern.  I hand quilted it and am putting it away for a small gift for next Christmas.  Its 13" by 16".

Then I found a plastic bag with English paper piecing parts.  A number of years ago I got my mom interested in this method and she made a single bed quilt in pinks and greens.  She still uses it on the foot of her bed.  These two blocks were basted, but needed to be sewn, so I finished them.  I plan on making a couple of round pillow with a ruffle.  The photo is awful, but you get the idea.  They are about 14" across.
A few weeks ago a friend called and asked me to applique some quilt blocks for her.  She is in her 80's, has poor eyesight and is about to have cataract surgery.  She was trying to complete a block of the month before her surgery, and just couldn't see well enough to do the applique.  There were 8 blocks that needed to be done, the 4 center blocks shown below and 4 corner blocks.  I have to admit I put it off.  So finally last weekend I made myself sit down and do them.  I'll deliver them to her this weekend and I'm sure she'll have time to finish the quilt before she has her operation.  She'll have me quilt it, so I'll post a picture when its done.
I have several quilts coming in over the next week, so I'm going to concentrate on those before I go off on another tangent. 

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it feel wonderful when you finish some long ago started projects? I'm sure she thanked you, but I'll thank you again for helping your friend with her applique project. You're an angel!
