Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Basket Variations

 Here are the pictures of other baskets that I promised.  If you are reading my blog for the first time, go back to the 2 previous postings for instructions on how to make this type of basket.

These two baskets are basically the same, one is 6 inches in diameter and the larger is 9 1/2 inches.  I made the larger one because the first one was almost impossible to flip.  I used transition coils for all of the snow and then one row of coiling in a blue before I started the patchwork part.  You can't tell from the photo, but I used silver metallic thread all across the sky.

 This is another basket with an applique inside.  It's 9 inches in diameter and 3 1/2 inches high.

This is a trivet and coaster set.

Another trivet, about 10 inches in diameter.

And finally, this is the largest basket I've made so far.  The base is 12" by 8" and its 7 1/2 inches tall.  It had to be done in two segments.  That is, I coiled about 4 inches up the side then added patches to that.  Then I continued the coils all the way to 7 1/2 inches before finishing the patches.