Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ideas Needed!

During my recent cleaning moving stuff around, I found a forgotten box of evening bags.  Two were mine, one was my mothers, and the rest, I think, belonged to Dan's first wife's great-aunt.  So I have decided to frame them in shadow box frames for Diana, since most of them came to me via her mother's family.  I happen to have 2 large shadow box  frames that I bought on sale for some forgotten purpose.  Below are pictures of most of the bags.

I also have a few small purse accessories that I think I will add.  Here is my dilemma:  How do I attach the bags to the background?  The frames are deep enough and came with a very sturdy cardboard backing.  I plan on placing velvet or velveteen onto the backing.  But then what do I do.  My first inclination is to use glue, but I know that is not the right thing to do.  I might be able to sew them to the velvet, but would that work?

So any ideas?  I welcome any and all suggestions.  I should mention that some of the beads are coming off a couple of the bags in the top photograph.  Also, pictured is the box that the gold mesh bag was stored in and I feel that somehow I should include that in the frame.

Hope that someone out there has a brilliant idea for me!!


  1. Hi Kitty: I have some beaded purses and have one I displayed in a shadow box. My shadow box had a thin wood backing. After I covered the inside with the satin brocade fabric, I used a tiny brass nail to hang the bag from. Most of the chain handle hangs behind the bag. Hope this helps.

  2. I would place a hook or nail from the top like the other person said and if you need support on the bottom could you put in pins that stick out and can hold them up
